Wednesday 17 July 2024

Visual Programming with C# six semester solved objective | previous year question BICTE BLOG

1. Which one of the following is an effective difference between 'Boxing' and 'Unboxing'?

   - a. 'Boxing' is the process of converting a value type to the reference type and 'Unboxing' is the process of converting reference to value type.

2. Correct way of declaration of object of the following class is __

   - d. `n = new name();`

3. Which of the following statements is correct about constructors in C#.NET?

   - d. None of the mentioned.

4. What is the correct way to find if contents of two strings are equal?

   - a. `if (s1 == s2)`

5. A type of class which does not have its own objects but acts as a base class for its subclass is known as?

   - c. Abstract class

6. Which of the following is the correct way of implementing an interface addition by class maths?

   - b. `class maths implements addition {}`

7. Which of the given statements are valid about generics in .NET Framework?

   - a. Generics are useful in collection classes in .NET framework

8. **Which of the following is a wrong statement about the LINQ?**

   - **b.** Linq makes use of foreach loop to execute the query

9. **In Microsoft Visual Studio, which of the following technology and a programming language such as C# is used to create a Web-based application?**

   - **d.** ASP.NET

10. **Which of the following is true?**

    - **a.** DataView is subset of row and not columns

1. **What is polymorphism in C#?**

   - **a.** Having many forms

2. **Which one is not the data type in C#?**

   - **d.** decimalnumber

3. **What might be the use of abstract class?**

   - **d.** All of the above

4. **How do you use encapsulation in your program?**

   - **a.** Collecting data and functions inside class

5. **What is the full form of LINQ?**

   - **b.** Language Integrated Query

6. **What is the full form of ASP?**

   - **c.** Active Server Pages

7. **What is function overloading?**

   - **b.** More than one same named functions with different type or different number of arguments

8. **ADO .NET is used to:**

   - **c.** Communicate with database

9. **Why is keyword 'this' used for?**

   - **b.** To get address of object

10. **What is a constructor?**

    - **d.** All of the above

1. **What is boxing?**

   - **c.** Converting value type to reference type

2. **Which of the following LINQ syntax is correct?**

   - **a.** `From student where age>20 select age;`

3. **What is DataTable?**

   - **a.** Table used in database

4. **What is encapsulation?**

   - **a.** Collecting data and functions inside class

5. **What is LINQ?**

   - **b.** Language Integrated Query

6. **Why ASP is used?**

   - **a.** To create dynamic web application

7. **What is the use of override keyword?**

   - **c.** To override virtual methods of base class

8. What is the use of String Builder class?

   - a. To create mutable string data

9. What is the use of namespace?

   - b. To resolve name collision

10. When is destructor executed?

    - a. When object is destroyed

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