Tuesday 16 July 2024

Research in Education six semester solved objective | previous year question BICTE BLOG


(2079 Ed.481 - Research in Education)

1. The statement which specify the gap between theory and practice is called:
   - d. rationale of the study

2. In which type of research the researcher should collect data from treatment and control group?
   - c. Experimental research

3. The representative proportion of the population is called:
   - b. sample

4. Large sample size is required where the population is:
   - d. homogeneous

5. What is the definition of Research design?
   - b. an interaction of philosophy, strategy and method

6. Which sampling method is appropriate to study the learning achievement of specific group?
   - d. Purposive sampling

7. What is the median value for the given data (9, 11, 7, 11, 10, 14, 12, 10):
   - c. 11.5

8. Action research is associated with:
   - d. finding solution to classroom problem

9. In which section of the research report "Acknowledgement" should be incorporated?
   - b. preliminary part

10. Which of the following must be included initially at reference list?
   - a. Surname of writer

(2078 Ed.481 - Research in Education)

1. Which of the following components of research does relate research problem with theory?
   - b. objectives of the study

2. Action research is associated with:
   - b. class-room problem

3. Each member has equal chance of being selected especially in:
   - a. simple random sample

4. Find the mean value from the given data (31, 21, 30, 22, 27, 24, 25, 20):
   - b. 24

5. Which of the following tool is generally used for checking of library, laboratory, game facilities and school buildings?
   - c. check-list

6. Purposive sampling is also known as:
   - c. judgmental sampling

7. The main technique of data collection in ethnography is:
   - c. participant observation

8. The first hand information collected by researcher is known as:
   - a. primary source

9. Which of the following is included within preliminary section of the research report?
   - d. preface

10. Which of the following referencing is based on APA style?
   - a. R.N. Sharma, (2003). Methodology of educational research. Delhi: surjeet Publications.

(2076 Ed.481 - Research in Education)

1. A systematic research begins with:
   - a. research problem

2. The best instrument to collect opinion about an issue is:
   - b. questionnaire

3. Which instrument is useful for collecting information related to presence or absence of physical facilities in an institution?
   - d. checklist

4. What is the main purpose of a qualitative research?
   - b. exploration

5. The meaning drawing in action research cycle is:
   - b. planning

6. Which of the following part is irrelevant in research proposal?
   - b. conclusion

7. The conceptual framework in research proposal best describe the:
   - a. theories to be used in the research

8. The test of effect of one variable upon another is related to:
   - d. hypothesis

9. Find out the mean score from the given data (12, 15, 14, 16, 18, 13, 17, 19):
   - a. 14

10. In which of the following section research design is included:
   - c. research method

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