Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Shaping and Reshaping Educational Development in Nepal |Study Material | BICTE |

6.1 Nepal National Education Planning Commission 1954 (NNEPC, 2011 BS)

(Post Democratic period ( 2007 to 2027 BS))

'Nepal Education Board' was formed under the presidency of Rudra Raj Pandey in 2009 BS. NNEPC was organized with 46 member from diverse fields related to education. American Professor HB Wood was appointed as an advisor. This commission prepared its report under the title 'Education in Nepal'. In Falgun 16, 2011 BS this commission submitted it to the government of Nepal. The recommendation and suggestions of this commission:

Educational Goals

1.  Education will be nationwide: Eradicate illiteracy from the country within 25 year

2.  Education will be national: The commission recommended to call this planning as Nepal National 3.  Education Planning, new schools as national schools, new curriculum as national curriculum etc.

4.  Education will be free of cost:

5.  Tenure of education will be different: Tenure of education will range from six month to 17 years as regards national necessity and ability as well as economic capacity of the students.

6.  Nature of education will be different:

7.  Education develops citizens

8.  Education develops Individual

9.  Education respects human being

10.  Primary schools provide basic education to general populace:

11.  Secondary school will be multi-purpose that provides general and vocational education for increasing populace:

12.  Higher education will remain under national university

13.  Adult education for all

14.  Teachers should be provided professional and general education to extend such educational programs

15.  Textbooks and teaching materials, other necessary materials and suitable building and places will be provided.

16.  Education will be decentralized

17.  Appropriate financial assistance to education but most of them form local level.

6.2 National Educational System Plan 1971-1975(2028-2031 BS)

 However educational plan started to construct from 2004 BS in Nepal, it got formal significance from Nepal National Education Plan Commission 2011 BS. After this, all Round Education Committee 2013 BS, Wood and Burno Commission 2019, National Education Advisory Council 2024 BS. Consequently, King Mahedra declared the National Educational System Plan on Baisakh 1, 2028 BS. At first, it was implemented in Chitwan and Kaski Districts as an experimental phase. After, it was implemented all districts of Nepal in 13, 15, 20 and 25 districts, respectively in second, third, fourth and fifth phases till 2032 BS, So it is regarded as the National Education System Plan 2028- 2032.

 NESP 2028 brought a revolutionary step in the educational system of Nepal. It was a great change from the traditional educational system because it was the first and last refined educational plan implemented in Nepal so far. It included all of the aspects that a curriculum should contain like national objectives of education, clear definition of the curriculum, contents, goals of the subjects, subject matters and scope etc. Before this curriculum the previous curriculum did not have systematic organization. They possessed only content or list of the teaching subjects.

Objectives of NESP 2028

1. To make honest toward nation and nationality, to preserve national unity, sovereignty, crown and national independent, and to make the citizen as regards the Panchayati system and aware of ones own right and responsibility.

2. By developing, preserving, promoting and extending the necessary knowledge, science, technical skill and ability to make necessary skilled activists to every step of national development.

3. The following traits are developed to all individuals:

  a. Moral character

  b. Laborious habit

  c.  Habit of self reliance

  d.  Creative attitude

  e.  Attitude of thinking scientifically

  f.  Habit of respecting others' good feelings and thought

  g.  Close attachment towards art and aesthetic

  i.  Feeling of philanthropy of brotherhood

4.  To develop, preserve and extend national language, culture art and literature.

The Educational objectives of primary level

1. To make the children literate

2. To emphasize teaching basic knowledge of language and mathematics

3. To give knowledge of the profession related to the life of student especially fundamental knowledge of agriculture.

4. To give general knowledge about the king, queen and the kingdom

The educational objectives of Lower secondary level

i.. To emphasize character formation by teaching to respect the king, the nation, and to be disciplined and responsible.

ii. To teach to respect work and to develop the attitude to labor.

iii. To extend the education of language and mathematics

The Educational objectives of Secondary level

1. To make useful citizen by developing sense of respect to labor.

2. By teaching to respect, the nation, king , and God to make disciplined and decent citizen.

      Since the curriculum of National Educational System plan 2028-2032 BS clarified the national principle, goal, purpose and grade-wise objectives of education, it was supposed to be the first and effective step so far as the curriculum development of Nepal is concerned. It not only include the class-wise objectives and subject-wise objective but also school administration, physical facilities, educational facilities, teaching methods, procedures and process, evaluation method and system etc. Moreover, it included all of the fundamental aspects of education. 

6.3  National Education Commission 2049 BS (NEC- 1992)

                The People Movement of 2046 BS brought change in every sector. Obviously education could not be a escape from it. Consequently a commission  was formed in Falgun 14, 2047BS to manage good environment in educational sector, In Asar 14, 2049 BS, the commission has submitted 201 pages long proposal which has mentioned the national objectives of education, framework and policy, primary education, secondary and higher secondary education, higher education, normal and technical education, Sanscrit education, technical as well as vocational education, teacher  education, special education, informal education, financial management of education sector,  educational management and observation etc. This commission has also mentioned pre-primary education in different subjects, about the private school textbooks and evaluation, library, extracurricular activities etc.

Educational Goals and Objectives 2049

1.Education should help to foster the potentialities of innate capacity and personality development of every individual.

2.Education should help to develop the decent social life by preserving sovereign human values as well as national and social norms and regulations to every individual.

3.Education should strengthen the social integrity by helping the individuals' socialization.

4.Education should help a person to have a cohesive life in modern age with keeping self-identification in national and international context.

5. Education should develop the human resources for the national development by helping the social modernization.

6. Education should help to preserve and use natural environment and national heritages.

7. Education should help to bring the backward persons into the national main stream.

The proposal of National Educational commission 2049 has proposed the structure of school as follows:

Pre Primary Level: 1 year before primary education

Primary Level     : Grade 1 to 5 ( 1 to 3 basic level)

Secondary Level: Lower Secondary: Grade 6 to 8

                                : Secondary — Grade 9 and 10

                                : Higher Secondary Level— Grade 11 and 12

Higher Level       : Bachelor Level — 3 years

                                : Degree Level— 2 year

                                : M. Phil.

                                : Ph.D.

National policy of education

This commission has recommended for the following national policy of education

i. Primary education should be universalized. Non-formal education should be provided to people not having access to education and they should be able to provide continuing education.

ii. Curriculum must be reorganized from lower to higher level.

iii. Primary education should be given in mother tongue. Nepali should be the official language of the country and language of higher education.

iv. Priority should be given to English in national and international context. Opportunity should be provided for education in other international languages.

v. Technical schools should be established in all regions of the country.

vi. Environment education should be included in curriculum. Agriculture education should be included from lower level of curriculum and technical and vocational education should be expanded.

vii. Arrangements should be made for providing education to women, disable, disadvantaged to bring them in national mainstream. Education and training should be provided to ethnic people for their development. It should be expanded to remote areas.

viii. Education structure should be re-organized. Definition of literacy should be provided for re-enrollment in formal education from non-formal education and an Open University should be established.

ix. Provision should be made for entrance examination from improving the quality of education. Teacher's right should be protected. University Grant Commission should be established and national investment in education should be increased.

School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP) to Post-SSRP (2009-2015)

6.4 School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP) to Post-SSRP (2009-2015)

 School Sector Reform Program (SSRP) aims at reforming the structure of schooling system on the basis of various experiences of different prospects and programs as well as contemporary national needs and international context. The ministry of education of Nepal prepared a concept paper to reform structure of school. As a result, a School Sector Reform Plan was introduced in 2009.

 This project aimed at improving the quality of education, restructuring the schooling system and making the education competitive with global context.

 In fact, all member countries of the United Nations are committed to Universal primary education as one major Millennium Development Goal (MGD).The World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal in April 2000 adopted a holistic concept of educational development declaring Education for all (EFA) to achieve by participating countries by 2015. As a signatory member country of the forum, Nepal has also committed to meet the target by 2015.

 As a result Nepal has prepared Education for All-National Plan Action (EFA-NPA) 2001-2015. EFA aims at improving and expanding early childhood and care, ensuring access to all, meeting the learning needs of all children including indigenous peoples and linguistic minorities, reducing adult illiteracy, eliminating gender disparity, and improving all aspects of quality education.

 The EFA, NPA i s divided into two periods EFA 2004-09 and 2009-15. The later part has been implemented as School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP). The SSRP (2009-15) is a long term strategic plan to achieving the goals and objectives of basic and secondary education.

 This plan attempted to restructure the current educational system. As such, grade 1 to 8 is proposed as basic education and 9 to 12 as secondary education. It also aims at restructuring policy and strategy, school structure, curriculum, assessment system, teacher empowerment and other managerial aspects of schools to attain the targeted goals.

Goals of School Sector Reform Program (SSRP)

1.  The school sector reform program aims to restructure the school education throughout the country.

2.  The SSRP aims to extend quality of Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs throughout the country.

3.  It aims at enhancing access of children to school and improving participation and retention.

4.  It aims at incorporating diversity of the society, indigenous, culture and language in education and finding out learning need.

5.  It aims to employ mother tongue as a medium language for the instruction of basic education.

6.  It aims to develop non formal education to school age children as well as adults.

7.  It aims to focus on girls and women of educationally deprived groups so as to ensure their equal participation and equitable result.

8.  It aims to improve quality education by improving learning process and learning conditions.

9.  It aims to strengthen the capacity of institutions for effective implementation of reform programs.

10.  It classifies grade one to eight as basic education and grade nine to twelve as secondary education as:

       Foundation School 1-3 grades

       Primary School 1-5 grades

       Upper Primary 1-8 grades

       Secondary 1-12 grades

11.  It classifies vocational education stream into three types:

              A two year technical education after grade 8

              A four year technical higher secondary education after grade 8

              A three year higher secondary technical education after grade 10.

Features of SSRP

1.  SSRP tries to implement education through right-based approach- education as inalienable rights of an individual.

2.  It emphasizes on technical education through development based approach.

3.  It tries to make education inclusive.

4.  It highly emphasizes on quality of education to all.

5.  It prioritizes gender equality in education.

6.  The entrance age at basic education is 5.

7.  The ending level of secondary education is grade 12

8.  It envisions Secondary level as general, vocational and technical

9.  It emphasizes on public private partnership.

10.  It envisions teacher student ratio as 1:40.

11.  B.Ed. is required qualification for primary head teacher and M. Ed. is for secondary level.

Approaches to Curriculum Integration

Do you have a lesson or activity that you’d like to integrate maker-centered learning into or just develop further? In this module, you will:

    # Explore and Reflect on four different approaches to maker-centered learning, and select on approach around which to plan a lesson

  # Read additional information and Do activities to learn more about your chosen approach

# Apply your learning to a lesson or unit in which you want to integrate making

Share  your planning with the Maker Educator community

Approaches to Education

Tinkering to Discover – Learners develop initial understanding. Outcomes and paths may be different for individuals or groups of learners.
Making to Learn – Learners work toward a specific learning outcome. The structure provides a path while allowing for learners to make meaning of some aspects of the learning independently. Depending on the activity, products can end up looking the same or very different.
Application Project – Learners apply what they’ve learned to a project. These final projects are often used as part of performance-based assessment.
Community Impact – Learners identify problems and work towards solutions with their community.

Technical education: It increases productivity, empowers individual to become self reliant and stimulates entrepreneurship. Businesses are more willing to invest in a community with strong human resources.

Technical education, the academic and vocational preparation of students for jobs involving applied science and modern technology. It emphasizes the understanding and practical application of basic principles of science and mathematics, rather than the attainment of proficiency in manual skills that is properly the concern of vocational education.
Technical education has as its objectives the preparation of graduates for occupations that are classed above the skilled crafts but below the scientific or engineering professions. People so employed are frequently called technicians. Technical education is distinct from professional education, which places major emphasis upon the theories, understanding, and principles of a wide body of subject matter designed to equip the graduate to practice authoritatively in such fields as science, engineering, law, or medicine. Technical occupations are vital in a wide range of fields, including agriculture, business administration, computers and data processing, education, environmental and resource management, graphic arts and industrial design, and health and medicine; technical educational curricula are correspondingly specialized over a broad range.
Technical education is typically offered in post-high-school curricula that are two years in length, are not designed to lead to a bachelor’s degree, and are offered in a wide variety of institutions, such as technical institutes, junior colleges, vocational schools, and regular colleges and universities.


There are many provision in this field than was in past but due to various problems in Nepal like political instability it has its impact amd dominate in almost all field....

There are different college where you can boost up your potentiality and contribute many to the nation

Shaping and Reshaping Educational Development in Nepal

 The history of all hither to existing human civilization is the history of education and learning. The history of education can necessarily be traced out with the history of human civilization. Human civilization does not go ahead without education. It is obviously learning that makes human being take a long and glorious journey from the Stone Age to the present computerized-digital world.

 The development of science and technology and explosion of knowledge that has begun from 18th century lead the history of education to new dimension. Now, education goes on developing by sweeping away the obstacles and hindrances on the way to its never ending destination.

 Based on the nature of educational development, the history of education in Nepal can be classified into the following three periods:

1.  Pre-democratic period (before 2007 BS)

       i.  Period of Indigenous Education (before 1825 BS)

            Ancient Vedic or Sanskrit Education

            Buddhist System of Education

            Education System of Lichhivi Period

           Education System in Mall Period

     ii. Period of Negligence ( 1825 to 1910 BS)

     iii.  Period of Opposition to education (1910 to 2007 BS)

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