Wednesday, 31 August 2022

General English II | Second Semester | BICTE | Syllabus


Course Title: General English II

Course No. : Eng.Ed. 421                                                    Nature of the course: Theoretical                                                                                                                       

Level: B. Ed                                                                               Credit hours: 3                                                                                                                                   

Semester: Second                                                          Teaching hours: 48                                                                                                                                                                            

1.          Course Description

This course is designed to develop their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. It also intends to equip them with knowledge of vocabulary needed for academic purpose. The course includes listening, speaking, reading and writing components.  The listening, speaking and reading components deal with a wide variety of carefully selected materials. They include, among other things, informative passages on contemporary and critical issues. The writing part includes materials geared to developing various writing skills required for effective communication on matters of general and academic interests.


2.          General Objectives

The general objectives of this course are as follows:

·       To help students listen for comprehension.

·       To help students make fluent speaker.

·       To familiarize students with the techniques of enriching vocabulary.

·       To develop in students an ability to comprehend and interpret different kinds of written texts by exposing them to a wide variety of authentic contemporary reading materials.

·       To develop in students different kinds of writing skills needed for effective communication on matters of general and academic interests.


3.          Specific Objectives and Contents

Specific Objectives


·  Use prior knowledge and personal experience to predict content

·  Listen for main ideas and details

·  Make inferences to fully understand what a speaker means

·  Listen for opinion to understand book review

·  Listen for reduced verb forms to understand everyday speech

·  Listen for causes and effects to understand relationships among idea

·  Follow a summary for several ideas

·  Listen for opinion

Unit I. Listening                                                      ( 10)

1.1. First impression

1.2.    The psychology of first impression

1.3. Making inferences and listening for main ideas and details

1.4. Reviewing a book

1.5. Listening for causes and effects

1.6. Taking notes using a T- chart

1.7. Changing expectations

1.8. Corporate social and personal responsibility

1.9. Inferring a speakers attitude

1.10.      Identifying fact and opinion, amounts

1.11.      Advertising ethics and standards

1.12.      Financing a dream

1.13.      Understanding figurative meaning

·      Make notes to prepare for a presentation or group discussion

·      Take turns to make conversation go smoothly

·      Imply opinions to avoid stating them too directly

·      Give advice and reasons

·      Ask for clarification

·      Clarify what you say

·      Describe a situation using details

·      Ask, express and use reasons

·      Make notes

·      Prepare a dialogue

Unit II: Speaking                                                            (8)

2.1 Taking conversation turns

2.2 Asking for and giving clarification

2.3 Asking for and giving reasons

2.4 Leading a group discussion

2.5 Giving and supporting youropinions and ideas

2.6 Giving a short presentation

2.7 Recapping a presentation

2.8Agreeing and disagreeing

2.9 Expressing emotions

·      Read texts for general idea.

·      Find specific information in the text.

·      Comprehend the text for detailed understanding.

·      Read and make notes of the important points.

·      Draw inferences and implications from varieties of reading texts.

·      Give opinions and express attitudes.

Unit III: Reading                                                           (15)

3.1  Determining co-references

3.2  Matching things

3.3  Understanding instructions

3.4  Unscrambling texts and anagrams

3.5   Scanning: locating and extracting information

3.6  Skimming: finding out main point and the central idea

3.7  Drawing inferences and implications

3.8  Assessing opinions and attitudes

3.9  Solving problems and puzzles

·      Write an imaginary dialogue, short sketch of a person, story

·      Prepare  a speech andPost card

·      Write a report

·      Rewrite given texts in different forms.

·      Compose short and long texts in the given topics.

·      Write texts maintaining coherence and cohesion.

·      Interpret different types of texts.

·      Explain opinions and attitudes.

·      Write letters, resumes, summaries and short reports.

·      Write varieties of essays. 


Unit IV:Writing                                                             (15)

4.1  Rewriting: Rephrasing and paraphrasing

4.2 Parallel writing

4.3 Completing a text

4.4 Organizing a text: Sequencing instructions, ordering information, connecting ideas

4.5 Writing summaries

4.6 Writing letters: Personal, business, job application

4.7 Writing curriculum vitae (resume)

4.8 Writing reports: Events and news

4.9 Writing essays: Descriptive, expository, narrative, argumentative


4.          Instructional Techniques

The instructional techniques for this course are divided into two groups.  First group consists of general instructional techniques applicable to most of the units. The second group consists of specific instructional techniques applicable to specific units.


4.1         General Instructional Techniques

Following general techniques are suggested for the overall delivery of the course.

·  Lecture

·  Discussion

·  Explanation

·  Illustration

·  Demonstration

·  Quizzes

·  Guided study

It is expected that students are fully engaged in the lesson and sessions are interactive while presenting the lesson.


4.2         Specific Instructional Techniques

Some specific techniques are suggested to ensure the active engagement of the students.

Unit I

Small group discussion for the various grammar points, pair work to find out the rules of language, mini-projects to research the various grammar points in the texts.

Unit II

Individual practice and small group discussion and pair work.

Unit III

Individual study, pair work for reading tasks and presentation.

Unit IV

Individual assignment on various writing tasks, small group discussion and presentation.

In addition to the techniques mentioned above, observation of an English language class where children with different abilities are studying followed by presentation is also encouraged in all the units.


5.          Evaluationand Time Allotment

The time and weighting allocated for the entire course is as follows:

Unit       weigting                                                                          Time

I   Grammar                             20%                                                20%

II  Vocabulary                          15%                                                15%

II  Reading                                30%                                                30%

III Writing                                 35%                                                35%


5.1 Internal Evaluation 40%

Internal evaluation will be conducted by course teacher based on following activities:

·       Attendance                                                                 5 Points

·       Participation in learning activities                       5 points

·       First assignment/midterm exam                          10 points

·       Second assignment/assessment (1 or two)      10 points

·       Third assignment/assessment                              10 points

Total                                                                40 points


5.2 External Evaluation (Final Examination) 60%

Examination Division, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Education will conduct final examination at the end of the semester. Type of questions and the points allocated for them are as follows:

·       Objective type question (Multiple choice 10 × 1 point            =  10 points

·       Short answer questions (6 questions × 5 points )                      =   30 points

·       Long answer questions (2 questions × 10)                                   =   20 points

   Total                                              60 points

6.        Recommended Books and Reference Materials

Recommended Books

Awasthi, J. R. , Bhattarai, G. R. & Rai, V. S. (eds.) (2008). English for the New Millennium. Kathmandu: EKTA Books. (For units III to IV)   (Selected Lessons)

Craven, M.  and Sherman, K.D.  (2011). Q: Skills for Success: 3: Listening and Speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(For units I and II)


Following lessons have been selected from the book English for the New Millennium:

Unit I : Legend, Lore and Education

a. Whole Child Education                                                        b. The Five Dimensions of Education

c. The Essentials of Education

Unit II: Short Stories

a. The Gateman's Gift                                                              b. The Martyr

c. The Joys of Motherhood                                                     e. Grief

Unit III: Non Fictional/ Factual Writings

      a. I Once Was Lost                                                                    b. Albert Einstein

      C. Music and Science

Unit IV: Essays

      a. Victory on Everest                                                               b. Laughter is the Best Medicine

      c. Liberty and Democracy

Unit V: Interviews

a. ImreKertesz

Unit VI: One Act Plays

      a.  A Horseman in the Sky

Unit VII: Memoir and Travel

      a. The Boatman's Gift

Unit VII: Journals

      a. Journal Writing II

Unit IX: Novel Extract and Motion Picture

      a. My Love Story with the City of Joys

Unit X: Contemporary Topics

      a. Inclusive Education                                                             b. English as a World Language

      c. Diasporas and Language                                                     d. The New Electronic Media

Unit XI: Poems

      a. Mid- Summer Noon in the Australian Forest                  b. Composed upon Westminster Bridge

      c. Baby's World                                                                         d. Butcher Shop

      e. If                                                                                             f. Before the Battle

      g. Letter from Foreign Grave                                                 h. Sonnet


Hornby. A.S. (2010). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (8thEdition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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