Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Research Project | BICTE | Seven Semester | Syllabus


Course Title: Research Project                                               Program: BICTE

Course No. : Ed. 472                                                               Nature of course: Theory + Practical

Level: Bachelor                                                                        Credit Hours: 3 (2T+1P)

Semester: Seven                                                                        Teaching hours: 64 Hours(32T+32P)


1.   Course Description:

This course provides students with the foundational knowledge and practical skills needed to conduct a research project, culminating in a thesis. Students will learn how to design, conduct, and present research effectively. This course emphasizes critical thinking, methodological rigor, and the articulation of research findings.

2.   Course Objectives:

·       Develop knowledge and skills in research methodologies and approaches.

·       Identify and formulate research questions and hypotheses.

·       Conduct literature reviews and synthesize relevant information.

·       Design and implement research methods appropriate for the project.

·       Competency in collecting and analyzing data using appropriate tools and techniques.

·       Write and present a coherent and well-structured research thesis.

·       Develop skills in academic writing and formatting.

·       Prepare and deliver effective presentations of research findings.

3.   Course Details

To achieve the expected outcomes of the course, the contents are organized as follows:


Specific Objectives


·       Analyze the concept of research

·       Illustrate different research approaches and methodologies

·       Identify and apply research ethics

·       Finding and stating the research gap

·       Formulating research

hypothesis/ research question

Unit 1. Introduction to Research Projects                                                         (8Hours)

1.1   Overview of research in academia.

1.2   Objectives of Research

1.3   Research Approaches

1.4   Research Methods versus Research Methodology

1.5   Importance of research ethics and integrity. (Ethics Considerations in Research)

1.6  Identifying research gaps and formulating research hypotheses/questions.

·       Develop a research proposal in a step-by-step manner in the chosen problem

·       State objective, formulate a

hypothesis, and determine the methodology for the selected

Unit 2 Writing the Research Project Proposal (10 Hours)

2.1   Components of Research Project Proposal

2.2   Structuring a research proposal.

2.3   Develop objectives, hypotheses, and methodology.


Preparation of research project proposal for contemporary



issues such as social issues, circular economic issues, environmental issues, educational, cultural, technology etc.

·       Identify related literature

·       Evaluate the credibility and relevance of various sources

·       Write a review of related literature

Unit 3 Review of Related Literature                                                      (8 Hours)

3.1   Conducting a literature review: Systematic review and Thematic review

3.2   Developing conceptual framework

3.3   Verification of authentic sources and integrating findings.


Review literature for the selected research topic minimum three including books, reports and articles using APA7th Edition.

·       Identify related research design for a specific topic.

·       Define the population and use the appropriate sampling technique

·       Adopt ethical acceptance in the research project

·       Select the appropriate data collection tool for collecting data

4.1   Apply suitable scales for measuring variables

·       Explain the technique of analysis and interpretation of data

·       Interpret the fringing using the support of statistical tools


Unit 4 Major Concepts Regarding Research Design                                            (8 Hours)

4.2   Qualitative vs. quantitative research methods.

4.3   Population, Sampling procedure (sample size, techniques)

4.4   Tools and techniques for data collection (surveys, interviews, experiments, questionnaires, and Checklist).

4.5   Use of Statistical Measures (Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, and Measures of Relationship)

4.6   Interpreting data (Frequency, Table, Charts, and graphs) and drawing conclusions

4.7   Ethical considerations and obtaining approvals

4.8   Finding and discussion


Ø  Develop a research design based on a selected topic including methods, sampling (probability and non- probability).

Ø  Develop a research tool and collect data for the selected topic using tools such as google form,

Ø  Analysis of data and interpret using suitable tools such

as SPSS, NVivo

·       Apply the layout and structure of a research report

·       Develop effective writing skills in academic style with referencing and citations

·       Prepare and present research findings to peers and

Unit 5 Preparing and Presenting research report (18 hours)


5.1   Layout of the Research Report

5.2   Structure of a project report: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion.

5.3   Referencing and citations (APA 7th Editions)

5.4   Finalizing the Research Report.

instructors, incorporating feedback for improvement, and complete the final submission process


Ø  Develop research project report incorporating unit 2,3,4 practical task and prepare and submit final report in concerned department.

Ø  Student present their report.

Ø  Peer and Instructor Evaluations.

Ø  Reflection and Wrap-up.

4.     Instructional Techniques

The instructional techniques for this course are divided into two groups. The first group consists of general instructional techniques applicable to most units. The second group consists of specific instructional techniques applicable to particular units.

4.1  General Techniques

Reading materials will be provided to students in each unit. Lecture, Discussion, use of the multi-media projector, and brainstorming are used in all units.


4.2  Specific Instructional Techniques

A demonstration is an essential instructional technique for all units in this course during the learning process. Specifically, demonstration with practical works will be the specific instructional technique in this course. The details of suggested instructional techniques are presented below:

5.     Evaluation

Evaluation of students' performance is divided into parts: Internal assessment (theory and practical and internal External examinations (theory and practical). The distribution of points is given below:

Internal Assessment Theory

Internal Assessment Practical

Semester Examination (Theoretical


External Practical Exam/Viva

Total Points

25 Points

15 Points

40 Points

20 Points

100 Points

Note: Students must pass separately in the internal assessment, external practical exam, and semester examination.

5.1    Internal Assessment (25 Points) of Theoretical Part

Internal assessment will be conducted by subject teacher based on following criteria: Attendance and learning Activities                                           5 points

First assignment (Written assignment)                                                                            5 points Second assignment (Project work with presentation )                                                                        10 points Third assignment/written examination                                                                          5 point

Total                                                                      25 points

5.2   Internal Assessment (15 Points) of the practical part

Internal practical assessment will be conducted by subject teacher based on following criteria: Attendance and learning Activities                                         5 points

Practical work/project work/lab work                                                         10 points Total                                                            15 points

5.3    Semester Final Examination (40 Points) Theoretical part

Examination Division, the Dean's office will conduct the final examination at the end of the semester.

Objective question (Multiple choice questions 10 x 1 point) 10 Points Subjective questions (6 questions x 5 marks with

‘OR” two questions)                                                                                      30 Points

Total                                                                        40


5.4   Practical Exam/Viva (20 Points)

Examination Division, Office of the Dean will appoint an external examiner for conducting the practical examination



Evaluation of Record Book


Project work/practical work presentation/skill test







6.     Recommended books and Reference materials (including relevant published articles in national and international journals)

Creswell, J.W. & Plano Clark, V,L (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research(2nd ed.) Thousands Oak CA: Sage.

Good, C.V. 1996. Essential of Educational research: Methodology and design. New York: Appleton, Century Crofts.

Gronlund, N.E. 1985. Measurement and evaluation in testing (6th edition )New York Colliner Macmillan Publishers.

Kothari,C. R., Quantitative Techniques, 2nd edition., New Delhi:Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd Khanal P., Research methodology in Education, 2nd Edition,Sunlight Publication, Kathmandu.

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