Monday 15 January 2024

Assessment and Evaluation in Education | Fifth Semester | Previous Year Question and Solution | Bicte Blog 2076 / 2077 / 2078 / 2079 | Bicte blog



1. Which one of the following indicates the meaning of evaluation?
   . Process of value judgment

2. Proactive evaluation is also labeled as:
   . Formative evaluation

3. What is the purpose of summative evaluation?
   . Judging overall effectiveness

4. Which one indicates the meaning of validity?
   . Accuracy of measurement

5. Which one of the following tests can evaluate free writing?
   . Essay type test

6. Which one is related to the skill domain?
   . Psychomotor domain

7. In statistical terms, 'mean' indicates:
   . Average value

8. Which of the following tools is used for formative purposes?
   . Inventory

9. The process of quantifying given traits, achievement, or performance of someone is called:
   . Measurement

10. The learning style of a student is determined by:
    . Learning materials


1. Test refers to the:
    Series of questions

2. Measurement means:
    Assigning number according to certain rules

3. Assessment refers to the:
    Process of value judgment

4. Which is one of the purposes of formative evaluation?
    Providing feedback

5. Which of the following is the essential quality of a good test?

6. Reliability refers to the:
  Accuracy of the measurement

7. Which of the following refers to the characteristics of the teacher-made test?
    Easy to construct

8. The main characteristic of an objective type test is:
    Consistency in scoring and testing

9. Knowledge-based domain refers to the:
    Cognitive domain

10. Instructional objectives should be presented in:
     Specific form


1. What does the mean indicate?
    Average value

2. Assigning numerals according to rules is referred to as,

3. Which of the following is also known as curricular validity?
   Content validity

4. Validity refers to:
    The accuracy of measures

5. The consistency of the score is known as:

6. While scoring the essay type of answer copies, the examiner should try to avoid:
    The halo effect

7. Rubric is generally known as:
   Evaluation guideline

8. Which of the following is the main purpose of a portfolio?
    Continuous assessment

9. Consistency between the scores obtained by a learner and his/her performance scores in a subsequent test gives evidence of:
    Predictive validity

10. According to CAS, the A grade is given for the score of:
     90% above

1. Measurement refers to:
    Assigning numerals according to certain rules

2. What is a rubric?
    Scoring guideline

3. The main purpose of internal evaluation is:
   . To improve teaching-learning procedures

4. Which of the following statements concerns evaluation?
   . Judgment

5. Which of the following is the measure of central tendency?
   . Median

6. Which of the following is the highest level of cognitive domain?
   . Evaluation

7. Which of the following is the most frequent score?
   . Mode

8. A Test refers to:
   . Series of questions

9. Which of the following is known as curricular validity?
   . Content validity

10. What is the purpose of computing the mean?
    . To find the average value

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