Monday, 8 May 2023

Educational Leadership | Syllabus | BICTE | Bachelor


Course Title: Educational Leadership                     Program: BICTE

Course No.: ICT. Ed. 444                                           Nature of course: Theoretical 

Level: Bachelor.                                                         Credit Hour:  3 hours

Semester:Fourth                                                          Teaching Hour: 48 hours


1.     Course Description

The aim of the course is to prepare students for leadership roles in the field of education by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to effectively manage and lead educational institutions. Students will also develop their leadership and communication skills through a variety of interactive activities, case studies, and real-world experiences. Upon completion of the course, students will be equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to successfully lead and manage educational institutions and improve student outcomes.


2.     General Objectives

After the completion of this course, the students should be able:

·       To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of educational leadership and management

·       To develop students' skills in educational administration and management, including curriculum development, instructional leadership, and school improvement

·       To improve students' leadership, communication and decision-making skills through interactive activities, case studies, and real-world experiences

·       To equip students with the tools and knowledge necessary to successfully lead and manage educational institutions and improve student outcomes


3.              Course Outlines: 

Specific Objectives



·       Describe the concept of leadership management.

·       Justify the role of educational leadership

·       Debate on leaders are born or made.

·       Reflect leadership characteristic of some great leaders

Unit I: Introduction to Educational Leaderships  

1.1        Definition of leadership and management

1.2        Need of educational leadership 

1.3        Leaders born or made

1.4        21st century leader V/s classical leader

1.5        Leadership for Digital transformation in Education

1.6        Some great leaders a case study: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Maria Montessori, Mother Teresa, Mark Zuckerberg


·       Explore the transformational leadership framework and practices  

·       Define the nature of instructional, constructive and strategical leadership.

·       Compare working style of digital leadership

Unit II: Leaderships theory and styles                                

2.1      Transformational Leadership: 4I’s

2.2      Instructional leadership

2.3      Constructivist leadership

2.4      Strategic leadership

2.5        Agile and Digital Leadership


·       Explain basic communication methods.

·       Demonstrate the techniques and skills of presentation and public speaking.

·       Describe cross-culture communication.

·       Show interpersonal communication skills

·       Explore time management skills

Unit III: Communication and Interpersonal Skills                                                        

3.1         Verbal, Written and Symbolic(emoji) communication

3.2         Presentation skills and Public speaking

3.3         Cross-cultural communication

3.4         Emotional intelligence

3.5         Interpersonal communication

3.6         Time Management and Mind Management


·       Define different decision making models.

·       Demonstrate root cause analysis techniques.

·       Describe data analysis and interpretation methods

·       Describe creativity and innovative idea for problem solving.

Unit IV: Decision Making and Problem Solving

4.1         Decision-making models

4.2         Root cause analysis

4.3         Data analysis and interpretation

4.4         Problem-solving frameworks

4.5         Creativity and innovation

4.6         Strategic thinking and risk management


·       Define different motivational theories.

·       Explore engagement, empower and provide autonomy techniques to employee.

·       Build team for remote and virtual mode

·       Define team building strategies.

·       Set the coaching and mentoring process.

·       Explore the performance management system

Unit V: Motivation and Team Building                                     

5.1  Theories of Motivation

5.2  Employee engagement, empowerment and autonomy

5.3  Remote work and virtual teams

5.4  Team Building Strategies

5.5  Coaching and mentoring

5.6  Performance management


·       Explore change management framework for leadership.

·       Set process of stakeholder engagement.

·       Define work culture principles-based labor right guidelines

·       Explore the principles of sustainability.

Unit VI: Change Management and Social Responsibility                                     

6.1  Change Management Framework

6.2  Communication and stakeholder engagement

6.3  Corporate social responsibility

6.4  Decent workplace, labor standards

6.5  Sustainability and Environment



4      Instructional Techniques

The instructional techniques for this course are divided into two groups.  The first group consists of general instructional techniques applicable to most of the units. The second group consists of specific instructional techniques applicable to specific units.

4.1  General Instructional Techniques

  • Introductory presentation on each topic of the unit bye the teacher
  • Use of lecture, question answer, discussion, brainstorming and buzz sessions for the theoretical contents.


4.2  Specific Instructional Techniques


5      Evaluation


5.1  Internal Evaluation  40%


Internal evaluation will be conducted by subject teacher based on following activities:





Class participation



First assignment (Group work based on Unit  II, III, IV)



Second assignment (Pair work based on Unit VI and VI)



Third assignment (Written test: objectives and subjective)






5.2 Final/Semester Evaluation 60%

Examination Division, office of the Dean, Faculty of Education will conduct final   examination at the end of semester.


Objective type question (Multiple choice 10 x 1ponts)                                      10

Short answer questions with two OR option  (6 questions x 5 points)   30

Long answer questions with one OR option  (2 questions x 10 points)             20

                                    Total                                                                                    60


5.     Recommended books and References materials (including relevant published articles in national and international journals)


Recommended books:




References materials:

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations (Sixth edition). Leadership Challenge, A Wiley Brand.

Sinek, S. (2017). Leaders eat last: Why some teams pull together and others don’t (Paperback edition). Portfolio/Penguin.

Covey, S. R., & Collins, J. C. (2020). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change (Revised and updated. Simon & Schuster edition). Simon & Schuster.

Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard Business Review Press.

Self-paced Course:


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