Sunday 4 September 2022

Ode to Tomatoes | Summary | BICTE | English Book


Ode to TOmatoes

Pablo Neruda


In his poem "Ode to Tomatoes," he praises, obviously, tomatoes. The poem, ‘Ode to Tomatoes’ by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda presents a pictorial description of the blood-red tomato that “beds cheerfully” with other vegetables in the preparation of a salad.

Neruda starts with the season when tomatoes are in abundant supply; they “flow over” from the vegetable vendors’ stalls and their colour. When cut, the “two/tomato/halves” look like the two hemispheres to which Chile and Spain belong, the only difference being that it is summer in Chile in December (since it belongs to the  Southern Hemisphere) and winter in Spain (since it belongs to the Northern Hemisphere).

He praises the tomato in its role as food, but mentions the paradox that to use the tomato in cooking we must destroy it:




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