Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Programming Concept with C | Short Question Answer \ Objective | BICTE Note | First semester


1.      What does the compiler do?

a.      Convert assembly code into machine code.

b.      Convert preprocessed source code into user code.

c.       Convert machine code into assembly code.

d.      Convert preprocessed source code to machine language.


2.      The format identifier %d is used for _     data type?

a.      Char

b.      Int

c.       Float

d.      double


3.      Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?

a.      For

b.      While

c.       Do-while

d.      Nested loop


4.      What is the output of this code?

Void main(){double k=0;

For(k =0.0; k<3.0;k++)


a.      Run time error

b.      Hello is printed twice

c.       Hello is printed thrice

d.      Hello is printed infinitely


5.      Which of the symbol are separated to pass the multiple arguments in function?

a.      Comma ( ,  )

b.      Semicolon ( ;  )

c.       Colon ( : )

d.      Period ( . )


6.      If a=11.0, what is the result of expression r=a++/2?

a.      6

b.      5

c.       5.5

d.      Undefined


7.      What is the symbol used for designating conditions in flowchart?

a.      Rectangle

b.      Diamond

c.       Parallelogram

d.      Hexagon


8.      Which of the following loop guarantees to execute at least once?

a.      For loop

b.      While loop

c.       Do-while loop

d.      Non of the above


9.      Which of the following is incorrect function prototype?

Syntax of prototype function/*returntype function name (datatype1 expression 1, datatype2 expression 2*/

a.      Int calc (int,int);

b.      Void calc ( int x, int y);

c.       Void calc (int, int)

d.      Void calc (x,y);



10.  Which of the programming language uses mnemonics?

a.      Machine language

b.      High level language

c.       Assembly language

d.      GL


11.  Which of the following is correct comment?

a.      */comments*/

b.      /*comments*/

c.       **comments**

d.      {comments}


12.  Which of the following control structure NOT used break keyword generally?

a.      Do-while

b.      If-else

c.       For

d.      while


1.      What are different type of operator in C?

Different type of operators in C are

a.      Arithmetic

b.      Relational

c.       Logical

d.      Increment/decrement

e.      Assignment

f.        Bitwise


2.     Define is function?

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. For example Suppose, you need to create a circle and color it depending upon the radius and color. You can create two functions to solve this problem:

a.  createCircle() function

b.  color() function


3.     Define binary and unary operator?

Unary operators are arithmetic operators that performs action on a single operand. For example logical not(!).

Binary operators are arithmetic operators that performs action on a two operand. For example logical and(&&) and logical or (||).



4.     What is use of break statement?

A break statement terminates the execution of the loop (while or do-while or for) and the control is transferred to the statement immediately following the loop. When a break is encountered in the program, remaining part of the block is skipped and the loop is terminated passing control out of the loop

5.     What is operator?

Operators are special symbols which cause to perform mathematical or logical operations.

Following are the symbols used for arithmetic operators in C.

Operators                 meanings

(+)                                 addition

(-)                            Subtraction

(/)                                 division

(*)                           multiplication

(%)                          reminder

6.     What are different type of control structure in C?

The structure those regulates the order in which program statements are executed are called control structures. There are three types

a.      Sequential structure

b.      Selective structure

c.       Repetitive structure

7.     What is variable in C?

Variables are entities whose value may change throughout the program execution. Variables are used to store values that are used in computation.


Data_type variable name, Data_type2,………, Data_typen;











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