Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Computer Architecture and Organization Program / BICTE 3rd Semester /All Note /Syllabus

 Course Title: Computer Architecture and Organization   Program: BICTE

Course No. : ICT. Ed. 436                                 Nature of course: Theoretical + Practical

Level: Bachelor.                                               Credit Hour:  3 hours (2T+1P)

Semester: Third                                                 Teaching Hour: 64 hours (32+32)


3.              Course Outlines: 

Specific Objectives



·       Explain different data types representation

·       Define the requirement of complement numbers


Unit 1: Data Representation

1.1  Data Types

1.2  Complements

1.3   Fixed Point Representation

1.4   Floating Point Representation

Practical Works

1.1 Computer Program: Write program to visualize the representation of complement numbers, integers, floating point numbers and character data, overflow detection while adding integers.






·       Explain register transfer language

·       Apply different microoperations to perform specific task

Unit 2: Register Transfer and Microoperations                                                             

2.1  Register and Register Transfer Language

2.2  Bus and Memory Transfers

2.3  Arithmetic, Logic and Shift Micro-operations

2.4  Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit



·       Explain instruction codes

·       Describe instruction format and instruction cycle

·       Design component organization in basic computer.

Unit 3: Basic Computer Organization and Design                                                             

3.1   Instruction Codes

3.2   Computer Registers

3.3   Computer Instructions

3.4   Timing and Control

3.5   Instruction Cycle

3.6   Input Output and Interrupt

Practical Works

3.1 Circuit Design: Design of Basic Computer

3.2 Computer Program: Write program to illustrate fetch, decode and execute instructions.


·       Describe control memory and its usage

·       Apply address sequencing concept

·       Identify microinstruction format

Unit 4: Microprogrammed Control                                

4.1  Control Memory

4.2  Address Sequencing

4.3  Computer Configuration

4.4  Microinstruction Format



·       Explain different CPU organizations

·       Describe the requirement of different instruction formats

·       Understand and apply addressing modes

Unit 5: Central Processing Unit                                

5.1  CPU Organizations

5.2  Instruction Formats

5.3  Addressing Modes


Practical Works

5.1 Computer Program: Write program to illustrate the use of different addressing modes.


·       Define different types of computers

·       Explain pipelining

·       Utilizing different types of pipelining to improve performance

·       Understand pipeline hazards and suggest their solutions

Unit 6: Pipelining                   

6.1  Parallel Processing, Flynn’s Classification of Computers

6.2  Pipelining

6.3  Arithmetic Pipeline

6.4  Instruction Pipeline

6.5  Pipeline Hazards and their Solutions

6.6  Array and Vector Processing


Practical Works


6.1  Case Study: Available array and vector processors and their application domain

6.2  Computer Program: write program which simulates instruction pipeline and arithmetic pipeline.


·       Demonstrate the addition and subtraction of signed magnitude data and signed 2’s complement data

·       Trace Multiplication algorithms to multiply signed magnitude and signed 2’s complement data.

Unit 7: Computer Arithmetic                                  

7.1  Addition and Subtraction of Signed Magnitude Data

7.2  Addition and Subtraction of Signed 2’s Complement Data

7.3  Multiplication of Signed Magnitude Data

7.4  Multiplication of Signed 2’s Complement Data


Practical Works

7.1  Computer Program: Implement all algorithms learned in this chapter in high level language.


·       Explain I/O interface, async. data transfer, modes of transfer

·       Demonstrate interrupt handling and DMA transfer

·       Identify the need of IOP


Unit 8: Input and Output Organization                    

8.1  I/O Interface

8.2  Asynchronous Data Transfer

8.3  Modes of Transfer

8.4  Priority Interrupt

8.5  Direct Memory Access

8.6  I/O Processor


Practical Works

8.1 Case Study: USB (universal serial bus)   



·       Describe the concept of memory hierarchy

·       Explain associative memory organization and cache mapping techniques

Unit 9: Memory Organization                                    

9.1  Memory Hierarchy

9.2  Main Memory

9.3  Associative Memory

9.4  Cache Memory


Practical Works

9.1 Computer Program: write program to simulate associative memory (key value pair mapping) implementation.


·       Specify the use of multiprocessor

·       Demonstrate interconnection structures of processors and IPC

·       Identify cache coherence problem with its solution

Unit 10: Multiprocessors                                                                                                        

10.1         Characteristics of Multiprocessor

10.2         Interconnection Structures

10.3         Inter Processor Communication and Synchronization

10.4         Cache Coherence

Practical Works

10.1 Computer Program: write program to simulate cache coherence problem and its solution.



 Course Description

This course is an introduction to Computer Architecture and its Organization. It covers topics in physical design of the computer (i.e. computer organization). This course discusses the basic structure of a digital computer and deals with the detail study of data representation in computer system, Register transfer language and microoperations,  and organization of the Control unit, the Arithmetic and Logic unit, the Memory unit and the I/O unit.

2.              General Objectives

The general objectives of this course are as follows:

·       To provide the students with the knowledge of data representation, register transfer language and microoperations

·       To provide the organization and designing concept of computer system including processor, computer arithmetic, memory organization and I/O organization.

·       To discuss in detail, the operation of the arithmetic unit including the algorithm to add, subtract and multiply signed magnitude data and signed 2’s complement data.

·       To study the multiprocessors and pipelining.

·       To study the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces  

    Instructional Techniques

The instructional techniques for this course are divided into two groups.  First group consists of general instructional techniques applicable to most of the units. The second group consists of specific instructional techniques applicable to particular units.

4.1 General Techniques

Reading materials will be provided to students in each unit. Lecture, Discussion, use of multi-media projector, brain storming are used in all units.


4.2 Specific Instructional Techniques

Demonstration is an essential instructional technique for all units in this course during teaching learning process. Specifically, demonstration with practical works will be specific instructional technique in this course. The details of suggested instructional techniques are presented below:

Unit 2 and 4: Lecture, Discussion

Unit 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 : Lecture, Discussion, Practical

7       Evaluation

Evaluation of students' performance is divided into parts: Internal assessment (theory and practical and internal  external examinations (theory and practical). The distribution of points is given below:

Internal Assessment


Internal Assessment


Semester Examination

(Theoretical exam)

 External Practical Exam/Viva

Total Points

25 Points

15 Points

40 Points

20 Points

100 Points

Note: Students must pass separately in internal assessment, external practical exam and semester examination.

7.1   Internal Assessment (25 Points) of Theoretical Part

Internal assessment will be conducted by subject teacher based on following criteria:

Attendance and learning Activities                                         5 points

First assignment (Written assignment)                                    5 points

Second assignment (Project work with presentation )             10 points

Third assignment/written examination                                  5 point

                Total                                                                            25  points

7.2  Internal Assessment (15 Points) of practical part

Internal practical  assessment will be conducted by subject teacher based on following criteria:

Attendance and learning Activities                                               5 points

 Practical work/project work/lab work                                        10 points

                Total                                                                            15  points

7.3        Semester Final Examination (40 Points) theoretical part

Examination Division, Dean office will conduct final examination at the end of semester.

Objective question (Multiple choice  questions 10 x 1 point)      10 Points

Subjective questions (6 questions x 5 marks with

‘OR” two questions)                                                                     30 Points


Total                                                                                      40  points                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


7.4  Practical Exam/Viva (20 Points)

Examination Division, Office of the Dean will appoint an external examiner (ICT teachers working another campus) for conducting practical examination



Evaluation of Record Book


Project work/practical work presentation/skill test







8       Recommended books and References materials (including relevant published articles in national and international journals)


Recommended books:


1.     Mano, M. M. (2003), Computer System Architecture, (3rd Ed.), Prentice Hall of India.

2.     Stalling, W. (2016), Computer Organization and Architecture: designing for performance (10th Ed.), Pearson Education.

3.     Tanenbaum, A.S. (2013), Structured Computer Organization, (6th Ed.), Pearson Education.


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