Wednesday, 2 June 2021

What Is The History Of Internet

 The History of the Internet 

Many people think that the Internet is a recent innovation, when in fact the essence of it has been around for over a quarter century. The Internet began as Arpanet, a U.S. Department of Defence project to create a nationwide computer network that would continue to function even if a large portion of it were destroyed in a nuclear war or natural disaster.

During the next two decades, the network that evolved was used primarily by academic institutions, scientists and the government for research and communications. The appeal of the Internet to these bodies was obvious, as it allowed disparate institutions to connect to each others' computing systems and databases, as well as share data via E-mail.

The nature of the Internet changed abruptly in 1992, when the U.S.

government began pulling out of network management, and commercial entities offered Internet access to the

general public for the first time. This change in focus marked the beginning of the Internet's astonishing

Vivek Baharkher

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