Operating System | Bicte Note | Fourth Semester \ Previous Year Question | bicte blog


1. What is shell?
   Answer: c. It is a command interpreter

2. How many states of process life cycle?
   Answer: b. 5

3. Which of the following is stored when the process is switched?
   Answer: d. All of the above

4. Which of the following algorithm tends to minimize the process flow time?
   Answer: c. Shortest Job First

5. Which algorithm is defined in time quantum?
   Answer: c. Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
6. Which one of the following is a deadlock avoidance algorithm?
   Answer: a. Banker's

7. In one of the deadlock prevention methods, imposing a total ordering of all resource types and requiring that each process request resources in an increasing order of enumerations violates the __________ condition of deadlock.
   Answer: c. Circular wait

8. What is called when logical memory is broken into blocks of the same size?
   Answer: b. Pages

9. What is RAID 1+0?
   Answer: d. Mirror of Striping

10. Which of the following are the two parts of the file name?
    Answer: b. Extension and name


1. Which of the following logical concept is used in multiprogramming of operating system?
   Answer: a. time-sharing

2. In which state does the processor execute its instructions?
   Answer: c. Running

3. When the suspended process is moved to the secondary storage. This process is called
   Answer: b. Swapping

4. There are 5 different processes running on a computer. Idle processes are waiting for an input event in the input queue. Busy processes are scheduled with the Round-Robin time-sharing method. Which of the following quantum times is the best value for small response times, if the processes have a short runtime, e.g., less than 10ms?
   Answer: a. tQ = 15ms

5. From the time of submission of a process to the time of completion, The interval is called:
   Answer: c. turnaround time

6. In one of the deadlock prevention methods, impose a total ordering of all resource types, and require that each process requests resources in an increasing order of enumeration. What violates the condition of deadlock?
   Answer: c. Circular Wait

7. What is called when physical memory is broken into fixed-sized blocks?
   Answer: b. pages

8. Which memory is called the separation of user logical memory and physical memory?
   Answer: c. Memory management

9. What does RAID 5?
   Answer: b. Striping with parity

10. The index contains.....
   Answer: b. pointers to the various blocks





1. What is an Operating System?
   a. Program that manages a computer's hardware.
   b. Program that provides a platform for application programs to run.
   c. Program that acts as an intermediary between the computer user and the computer hardware.
   d. All of the above (✔️)

2. In an operating system, each process has its own
   a. address space and global variables (✔️)
   b. open files
   c. outstanding alarms
   d. all of the above 

3. What is the use of offset in paging?
   a. To identify bytes within a page (✔️)
   b. To identify a page
   c. To identify Logical Address
   d. to identify memory traffic 

4. What we call a thread?
   a. Heavy Weight process
   b. Multi-processes
   c. Light weight process (✔️)
   d. inter thread process

5. What is/are true regarding Mutex Lock?
   a. Mutex stands for Mutual Exclusion (✔️)
   b. a process must acquire the lock before entering a critical section.
   c. a process releases the lock when it exits the critical section.
   d. All of the above

6. In process synchronization, a monitor type is a/an...............
   a. a variable
   b. an Abstract Data Type (ADT) (✔️)
   c. a process
   d. a program

7. What is Throughput?
   a. number of processes that are completed per time unit
   b. number of threads that are completed per time unit
   c. number of programs that are completed per time unit (✔️)
   d. none of them.

8. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the CPU first?
   a. first-come, first-served scheduling (FCFS)
   b. shortest job scheduling
   c. priority scheduling
   d. none of the mentioned (✔️)

9. Which RAID level refers to disk mirroring?
   a. RAID level 0
   b. RAID level 1 (✔️)
   c. RAID level 2
   d. all of them

10. The time taken for the desired sector to rotate to the disk head is called
    a. positioning time
    b. random access time
    c. seek time (✔️)
    d. rotational latency

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